Door Handle Not Springing Back?How To Fix A Door Handle Spring
Problems with a drooping door handle?
This week we have a useful Troubleshooting Workflow as part of the More Handles ‘How To…’ Series for if your door handle is not springing back correctly.
Dear Door Doctor,
I fitted your door handles and everything looked great for about a week, but now the door handle lever doesn’t spring back properly, and instead of the door handle being at a perfectly horizontal angle it has developed a little ‘brewer’s droop’ and hangs down at a slight angle. Needless to say I am not happy with the look and my wife finds it very frustrating — Can you help?
Dear DIYer,
Do not worry — Help is at hand for this embarrassing issue. Droopy door handles is a fairly common problem but is usually quite easily rectified. The problem maybe something quite simple such as more lubrication being required or a stronger latch action is required. We have a useful troubleshooting workflow below that helps you identify the likely problem and soon have your door handle sitting straight up and working properly.
If your door handle is not springing back correctly it is likely to be one of a few issues;
1 — The fixings have been overtightened causing the lever bearing to bind against the door face, or causing the door to compress the latch mechanism inside the mortice and stop it from operating correctly.
Loosen the screws slightly and operate the handles they should now return to the horizontal position.
To see the rest of the steps to take, please see the More Handles blog at